onsdag 20 augusti 2008

Happy birthday

Yeah well, today (august 19th) is my birthday. I'm even older now. I'm dying.
I hate birthdays, it's just a big day of humiliation. My dad didn't even remember to call.
I'm happy I have a wonderful boyfriend who knows exactly what I like. He gave me the flowers and the cake. It's my favourite cake. Eventhough he doesn't have any money now at the end of the month he still tried to do something cute for me.
Most of the day I've been sitting by my lappy, bored. Then I went out with a friend of mine for some shopping and eating. And now I've spent the evening eating this awesome cake with Erik and our "roomies" ^^

I better go, they want me to watch their computer game, The witcher. Kinda sucky game if you ask me, but theres cake and wine out there so...

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