lördag 30 augusti 2008


We're having a party here today, everyones invited!

I'm drinking this awesome ice cream drink. Its milk, tequila rose, strawberry ice cream and some vodka.

måndag 25 augusti 2008


First day of school

Hmm yes, today was my first day of school. Forsbergs skola graphic design/marketing. My class seem nice and so do the teachers. It was kinda stiff today since noone knew anyone and we had to introduce ourselves in front of the whole class. It's nice to have that over with. I have to learn to speak in front of people without getting nervous.

We got one assignment, to paint our names on a mug (in a creative way ofc) and then tell the class about it, Why we did like we did and how etc. it was kinda boring I don't drink tea or coffee. Maybe I'll hide the mug somewhere!

I bought chocolate afterwards. I don't usually eat sweets on weekdays, but wth I deserved this one!

söndag 24 augusti 2008

Some of my work

I thought I could share some of my work with you, it's nothing spectacular at all that's why I need education and more...motivation maybe. Too bad I'm so lazy. I know I can do better.


Here are some of the stuff I bought at IKEA

Well, tomorrow is the first day in school and I still haven't picked out my outfit, I should go do that now...

fredag 22 augusti 2008

Shopping...again Ö_ö

Me and Mia were out shopping at IKEA today, for HOURS it was fun. Now we're waiting for them to arrive here with all our stuff, I can't wait anylonger I wanna look at all my new stuff. I'm a material girl, yes so what?!

I'll update here later with some pictures.
Holyshit my feet hurt so godamm much now, it'll be nice with a (ten) glass(es) of wine later when I'm done unpacking.

Maybe watch some gossip girl!


onsdag 20 augusti 2008

Happy birthday

Yeah well, today (august 19th) is my birthday. I'm even older now. I'm dying.
I hate birthdays, it's just a big day of humiliation. My dad didn't even remember to call.
I'm happy I have a wonderful boyfriend who knows exactly what I like. He gave me the flowers and the cake. It's my favourite cake. Eventhough he doesn't have any money now at the end of the month he still tried to do something cute for me.
Most of the day I've been sitting by my lappy, bored. Then I went out with a friend of mine for some shopping and eating. And now I've spent the evening eating this awesome cake with Erik and our "roomies" ^^

I better go, they want me to watch their computer game, The witcher. Kinda sucky game if you ask me, but theres cake and wine out there so...

torsdag 14 augusti 2008

A cold

Yep it's definite now, I've caught a cold. I've been sneezing and sleeping all day. It's damm boring.
But I did get some things done. For example all the tiles in the bathroom, fold some clothes and put a table together while watching Top Model. Now I'm going to have some dinner and maybe play some computer game.

onsdag 13 augusti 2008


Here you are, two pictures of my kitchen and bathroom. It's still kinda empty but I've caught a cold or something, I just want to sleep -_-

Shower curtain

I've been shopping alot for the apt these last few days and it still looks empty! I found this beautiful shower curtain! And it was cheap too! Lagerhaus 99:-
I promise I will upload some pictures of the apt soon, but there are boxes everywhere and well, it looks like a mess. Maybe at friday or something!

Oh I'm fixing the tiles in the bathroom now, some of them are blue and the rest are white. And it really doesn't match the curtain, so I'm pasting fake black tiles over the blue ones, I think it will look sexy when I'm done!

måndag 11 augusti 2008

My mac

I just love it. Just look att my baby standing there in the train showing me my favourite anime, Azumanga Daioh.

Oh and btw! we all went to the apartment yesterday with alot of our stuff. And the apt is gorgeus! It's huge and I have a walk in closet!
And for some really weird reason my last name and Eriks last name were already on the door! Meaning, the people who lived there before us had our names! Not our first names tho!

Oh and I'll get you some more pictures of the apt when I get there, and when we get internet, I hope it's soon!

fredag 8 augusti 2008


This has been the most exhausting day ever! I've been traveling for like...4 hours, drinking for hours and been tired since I woke up!
Time to go "home"
Oh and btw, I got my mouse today! Razer, Deathadder mac edition and holy fuck it's amazing and I haven't even downloaded the drivers yet!

Sweet dreams!

(Sorry about the crappy quality)


I look really emo right now, I don't know how it happened. Maybe it's because of the black make-up and red nails. Anyways, I'm so stressed right now and can't do a thing til my nailpolish has dried!
The train is leaving at 3.45 pm and I'm not finished packing yet!

Damm gotta go! Cya in Gävle or Stockholm!

torsdag 7 augusti 2008


As usual I'm just sitting here, too restless to sleep and watching anime (Azumanga Daioh atm)
I finished the businesscards, I'm not very happy with them, but it only took me a couple of hours..

Oh yeah I hope my mouse arrvies in the mail tomorrow or else I'll go nuts. It's the first gaming mouse for mac (Razer), so I hope it's good. I have a Logitech G3 atm, it's awesome in Windows, but it sucks in os x and I can't stand it when the arrow jumps over the screen when I try to do something in Photoshop or Illustrator. And yeah I've already tried all third party programs.

Well I guess I should go to bed.

(...Why do people do this to themselves?)

Back to life

It's been a long summer, and alot to do. I've spent one month on my school applications for Forsbergs in Stockholm. I got in, 25th of August is my first day in school!
Besides that I've been looking for an apt in Stockholm, got one, played alot of Rohan and leveled alot *nerd*. I was out in the sun one day and I still have burn marks on my nose, never again I say!
Oh I decided to lose weight also, it's tough! I actually hate it, I wanna eat chips and drink coke and be skinny at the same time. Crap I'm starting to get old.

Well, this weekend I'm going to Gävle to party. I'm gonna meet Erik my boyfriend, Kalle and Mia (our future roomies) and alot more of Eriks friends I guess! And at Sunday we're all moving to our new apartment in Stockholm, I'm not going to mention which area cause I'm not proud of it. Actually it sucks pretty much, but it's better than not having an apt at all! Especially now when school starts and all.

Right now I'm working on a businesscard for a clothing company, better get it done now!