torsdag 8 januari 2009

I suck

I suck at remembering my own blog. Actually it's pretty boring, but I wanna keep it anyway.
So I've decided to buy a new camera. It's a really cheap one but since I'm a poor student I don't have any other choice and I really need one now for school. Anyway it's a Nikon D40, I would buy a D90 if I had the money, but I decided this one is probably good for me since it's cheap and I'm a beginner. I'm really looking forward to it, I've always wanted to photograph.

Christmas has been awsome I spent christmas with my family, and I ate alot of food. Way too much food. I gained 1 1/2 kilo! New years eve was perfect too. We had a party here with alot of friends and food and guitar hero.

I started a new project. Build a website, which I've never done before so that's a challenge and I should really get started with it now, there's alot to do, and I need to show off my work somewhere.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Alltså två saker:
1. Orka skriva på engelska.
2. Du är dålig på att blogga frekvent. :
Syns i kväll! :D

Cathrine sa...

Hähä jag är så internationell! Men jag vet jag är lat, ska skärpa mig!