torsdag 17 december 2009

We shoes you

Ok, I made this for a schoolassignment. I'm not done with it yet tho.

måndag 2 mars 2009

Car park

So I went exploring in the neighbourhood today and found this huge car park, which kinda scared the shit out of me. It was so dark and old, and I heard this weird noise, like chains were clattering. So I went up to the next floor and found two guys trying to break in to one of the cars. I saw that they saw me so I went really fast towards the exit, and I could hear them following me. Luckily I found the exit fast and got out before they..I dont know, stole my camera? X_X

onsdag 25 februari 2009

onsdag 18 februari 2009


I'm bored so trying to find some inspiration in this pile of crap (me) And yes I know using diamonds isn't really original, but wth it's an old project. I just croped it and put some layers on it..
I hope tomorrow is a better day!

Getting tired

I'm getting sick as hell of my situation. I'm also starting to hate stockholm. I wanna move away from cold fucking sweden. I have a shit load of homework all the time, I gotta get a job. One part-time ( 'cause CSN sucks ass and don't wanna give me more money, die motherfuckers) one at a advertising agency and a summer job. Sucks big time. And on top of that we need to fucking move now. The woman who owns this apt is going to sell it and now we have about two months to find a new one. Oh, and I'm so sick of monkeypeople. Eat shit and grow up.

I gotta learn After Effects now, anyone know any good tutorial?

fredag 16 januari 2009

CSN - eat shit

Omg, I'm so sick of them. They're not professionals, they're fucking hobos. I've spent my entire day writing them letters about why I need their loan for a few months more and why I can't start paying them back this fall. I'm still in school godammit! I don't have a fucking income. Well, we'll see we'll see. I hope they get it otherwise I dont know how I'm supposed to afford to stay in school.

I have some fantastic news too, I cooked dinner. Yesterday AND the day before that and I didn't set anything on fire. Amazing. Tasted good too.

I'm having a real craving for booze today. But I had to pay so I'm kinda broke. It's between booze and food. Hmm it's decided. Booze it is.


torsdag 8 januari 2009

I suck

I suck at remembering my own blog. Actually it's pretty boring, but I wanna keep it anyway.
So I've decided to buy a new camera. It's a really cheap one but since I'm a poor student I don't have any other choice and I really need one now for school. Anyway it's a Nikon D40, I would buy a D90 if I had the money, but I decided this one is probably good for me since it's cheap and I'm a beginner. I'm really looking forward to it, I've always wanted to photograph.

Christmas has been awsome I spent christmas with my family, and I ate alot of food. Way too much food. I gained 1 1/2 kilo! New years eve was perfect too. We had a party here with alot of friends and food and guitar hero.

I started a new project. Build a website, which I've never done before so that's a challenge and I should really get started with it now, there's alot to do, and I need to show off my work somewhere.